What Happens after We Die?
Many of us wonder what happens after we die. We lived before we came to earth, and we will continue to live after we die. Knowing this plan can provide comfort and peace about death. While we mourn for those loved ones we’ve lost, there is hope—death is not the end.
What happens when we die?
When we die, our spirit and body separate. Even though our body dies, our spirit—which is the essence of who we are—lives on. Our spirit goes to the spirit world. The spirit world is a waiting period until we receive the gift of resurrection, when our spirits will reunite with our bodies. Our future resurrected body cannot die and will be perfect—free from pain, sickness, and imperfections. It is because of the infinite love of Jesus Christ that everyone will be resurrected.
What happens after the resurrection?
It is at the time of resurrection that each of us will be judged individually by Jesus, our Savior. This final judgment will be based on our desires, actions, and choices.
Only God and Jesus know our hearts and our life circumstances perfectly, so only they can judge us perfectly. This judgment will be one of mercy, healing, and love (see Revelation 21:4).
God’s ultimate goal is to help all His children return to live with Him in the celestial kingdom. Yet it is our choices here and now that will shape where we spend eternity. We must believe in Jesus Christ, repent of our sins, be baptized in His name, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We also need to keep the commandments throughout the rest of our lives—and repent when we fall short.
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Salvation is possible because of Jesus Christ.
Neither the Resurrection nor salvation from our sins would be possible without Jesus Christ. He suffered for our sins so that when we pray for forgiveness and try to change, we can be clean. He also died on the cross and rose from the dead. Jesus’s power over death means everyone will be resurrected, whether they believe in Him or not. Because of Jesus, death is not the end. The Book of Mormon gives additional insight and teaches about the role of Jesus Christ in Heavenly Father’s plan for us. By reading the Book of Mormon and praying to God, you can know about the reality of God’s plan.